Yes more phone boxes on tv. This first one is America’s Game…The Wheel of Fortune. We’ve just started watching this and there was no explanation of the set. I’m not sure if it’s a regular thing but on this episode they appear to being trying to set an English scene. There is naturally a phone box but what’s this about the word ‘Metro’ being imposed on an Underground logo? A little reserach on the topic wouldn’t go amiss 🙂
Part of my Lockdown viewing has included all the repeats of ‘Agatha Christie’s Marple‘ and other Christie versions.
Then I moved onto Poirot and in the image below we have a murder IN the phone box:
Then there’s all the other TV I’ve watched, including:
Posting these I realise how bleak my viewing has been, so here’s something a little brighter:
A couple of more interesting elements were introduced in ‘Waking the Dead’ episode, in one episode (S6) a character is assulted in a phone box with a psychedelic compound made with woad and another (S5) where a man is murdered while making a call…
And in ‘Upload’, the design for the digitial after life still includes a phone booth…
More screen time is ahead of me in the coming months. I’m normally don’t sit in front of the TV for too long but as I’m trying to do my civic duty and not leave the house, this will be difficult. Here’s a few to start the next phase with:
I like that in Supergirl we see a photo of a couple on someones phone with the indication that the photo was taken in the UK, thanks to the iconic, red phone box in the background.
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