Tag Archives: cinema

New TV, Old film

The Americans, S1E1

The Americans: S1 E1, set in the 1980s.


The Americans: S1 E4. Spies and phones go together. This is just one of a number of examples in the series.

The Boys from Brazil (1978)

The Boys from Brazil: 1978.


Marathon Man (1976)

Marathon Man: 1976.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: 2011 remake.


This one is from a short film (1990) called ‘12.01pm‘. It was the precursor to ‘Groundhog Day’, but with a bleaker ending. I like the bubble-like design of this public phone.


The following is from a movie called Jeff, who lives at home, (2011):



Another one from cinema. This still is taken from the horror movie Creep, which is set in the London Underground. Of course it’s horror so the phone doesn’t work…


Film & TV

The phone box plays a part in our culture that is expressed in film and television. With this in mind I thought of recognising moments in phone box screen history. Here are a couple of classic scenes from Hitchcock’s The Birds (1963):

