Monthly Archives: March 2014


I visited Manchester yesterday…


and here is a photo of street art that recently? appeared in Manchester, in the Northern Quarter. I think it was titled ‘Wonder woman’:


Classic tv

The scene itself might not be classic but the series certainly is. Here is one scene from ‘The X Files’, an episode from season 2 called ‘F.Emasculata’:


(must try to get with Scully…)

Otford, Kent


Spot the box…

Phone box in film and ficton

Just saw ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’. Fabulous movie by one of my favourite directors. I really do love Wes Anderson’s way of looking at the world. Anyway there is a lovely shot of a telephone box on stilts, pained with black and yellow zig-zags, in the middle of a snow covered field.

I am currently reading Morrissey’s ‘Autobiogrpahy’ and enjoying it. He has a very descriptive, evocative prose style. p. 179 says…”The realities of each northern day at the turn of the 1980s played out against a hardened backdrop in late repentance, because the north is a separate country – one of wild night landscapes of affectionate affliction. There are no known technological links apart from the telephone box on the corner, and this can always be relied upon to be out of order.”